Here is your
Watery Wednesday image.
I'm back, but more about that later. The above image was taken from the back of a boat in Dingle Bay. There is a story behind this which I will explain.
If you have being following my blog, you will know that one thing that I always say is to go back to a location over and over again. Well this is one location I returned back too, 7 years later mind you in this case. Dingle is famous for many things but one in particular is a dolphin called Fungie which pulls in the tourists by the boat load. You can go out on a boat and view Fungie as he does what dolphins do ( puts on a bit of a show ). Seven years ago I went out in such a boat with my then 3 year old daughter to see Fungie. At that stage digital cameras were starting to come on the market but at a price. So I had a Canon EOS 3 film camera with me which could go through a roll of film in 5 seconds.
My daughter was leaning over the edge of the boat and calling Fungie's name when up he came and swam along side her. She was amazed at this and to this day is Dolphin mad. However I think I stole the show on this boat trip. Why? Well everybody on the boat had one of the small compact film camera at the time which took one shot every hour so to speak. For them to hear and see a camera in full motion and me going through 5 rolls of film in the space of 2mins was unbelievable.
To bring the story up to date, my daughter wanted to go back and see Fungie for her 10 birthday this year. So back at the start of May while down in Killarney we drove out to Dingle and went out in the boats again to see Fungie. And to his credit, Fungie puts on his show for the tourists. This time I around with the age of digital, I was able to get the images and view them on the camera to make sure I had got the image. While waiting around for Fungie to surface I was able to take a couple of images of the surrounds, which the image above was.
When I got back home and looked through the files from that day I was surprised to see how good the images taken from the boat were. My usual landscape workflow of setting up tripods and ND Grad filters, test exposures etc.... not this time. Hand held on a boat going from side to side, high ISO makes you stop and think?
As you might have seen, no posting for the past few days as I was over in Gotenborg for the Half Marathon. (not running but shooting it). Over the 3 days of events I shot over 20,000 images of the runners. I don't have the total figure for all the photographers there but well over 300,000 images were taken. And in a couple of weeks time it's of to Stockholm for a full Marathon.