Saturday, 31 October 2009
Thursday, 29 October 2009
In Love Again

Thursday, 22 October 2009
Clare Island with Lr 3 beta

Sunday, 18 October 2009
Sugar Loaf

Friday, 16 October 2009
Donegal Bay

Sunday, 11 October 2009
Stone & Water

Here is your Monochrome Maniacs image.
While waiting for the right light and movement in the clouds, I do get the chance to look around for interesting patterns in the sand or water. In this case it was the light reflection on the ripples in a pool of water right beside the legs of my tripod that caught my eye.
Other than this I can't say anything else about the image as I can't remember. I used my backup camera for this image. Now that I think about it, it's from the shoreline around Bunatrahir Bay, Ballycastle, Co Mayo. I must go back into my Lightroom library and find out the details.
Have a good week all.
Friday, 9 October 2009
Gougane Barra

Here is your SkyWatch Friday image.
A bit late but none the less a wonderful sky over Gougane Barra Forest Park. I can't believe that it's nearly a year ago since I was down there. You can see another post form this Link.
If you look at the large version, that's not a spot but the moon. We had wonderful side lighting, as you can see from the light on the fence posts. Also the patterns in the sky are half clouds and airplane trails.
I am into a second week of teaching and enjoying myself. All the students came back the following week. Either they are interested or have nothing else better to do with in evenings.
As you can see from the posts below, more animals images from the Zoo.
I believe it's my wedding anniversary this weekend, so I might not be around next week if I have nothing planned ( which I don't woops ). Oh well it was good while it lasted.
I hope you have a good week end and hope to see you next week ?
Monday, 5 October 2009
Baby Chameleon

A Camera Critter image
One of the six baby Chameleon in Dublin Zoo. This one may be no bigger than a 1 euro coin, but he could move fast. And try to get a clean image with no movement was fun. As I was saying in the post below, I did manage to get am image when converted to b&w that the background had enough tonal separation so that it would work.
If it's your first tie here from the Camera Critters site than you can click on the Animal Link to take you to all the animal posted on the site.
Sunday, 4 October 2009
Elephant Shower