
Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Looking Back, Looking Forward

..Looking Back..

That time again when I look back that the year's takings. It started off pretty good but ended not so good. However the year as a whole was very productive. I narrowed the selection down to 10 and picked the Top 5 over Christmas. There are as follows, in no particular order :

The introduction of a new camera system, lens and filters helped me out with the lack of motivation during the second half of the year after a death in the family. It was hard to get back out and start shooting as Tim wasn't there to see the results when we went to visit. 

So that was 2014 and now for 2015.

..Looking Forward..

Well now for 2015, what's in store for "The Mononeil Process". I have made a list of locations, some old ones for a re-visit, which I would like to capture their beauty and then transform into an image worthy of a place on my website ( ). 

-  Lough Aughawoolia, Galway
-  Ashleagh Falls, Mayo
-  Horseshoe Valley, Sligo
-  Fermoyle Beach, Kerry
-  Novohal Cove, Cork

The list will change as we go through the year but you need to start somewhere right?
I have my fellow photographers to thank for these locations as they have posted images which I feel is just right for me and my "style".

See you all in 2015.

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