After the mist lifted form Spelga Dam and sun rising over to my left, the beauty of the area started to appear. I moved back a bit from the last post to include the rocks on the shoreline to add some foreground interest. Also the light was wonderful on the rocks bring out that texture and different tones.
I had the whole place to myself that morning bar the people who were camping in a tent just from the shoreline. I never even seen the tent on the way down and nearly walked over them as I was walking backwards up the hill.
From here I traveled down towards the mountains you see in the background. More of them next week.
My Exhibitions has come to a close with some wonderful comments signed in the visitors book. A few print sales and workshops finished off the month of July nicely.
Next week will see me traveling up towards Sligo - Donegal area for a few days.
I am still going through the Mourne Mountains Images and Westport at the end of June.
So plenty for you to enjoy.